Upcoming Events
For more information or to check out what events are on at the Edenvale Heritage Precinct, visit the Shire of Murray Events Page!
If you are interested in hosting an event at the Edenvale Heritage Precinct, please contact the Place and Events Team at the Shire of Murray on (08) 9531 7777 or at mailbag@murray.wa.gov.au.
Workshops and Classes
Painting - Artists with a Disability
Join Tricia in the Community Meeting Room for an exciting class, all about painting. You are welcome to come and try a class for $5.00 but please call first to check availability, as bookings are essential.
When: Every Thursday, 9:45am to 11:45am
Watercolour Painting Class
Join Linda in Terry’s Room at the Pinjarra Arts Hub for weekly watercolour painting. You are welcome to come and try a class for $5.00 but please call first to check availability.
When: Every Friday, 1pm to 4pm
Lead-lighting Class
Join Judy in The Barn at the Pinjarra Arts Hub for her weekly lead-lighting class. You are welcome to come and try a class for $5.00 but please call first to check availability, as bookings are essential.
When: Every Friday, 8:30am to 11:30am
Pottery & Mosaics Self-help Group
Come down to The Barn at the Pinjarra Arts Hub and join a group of people interested in working with pottery and mosaics. You are welcome to come and try a class for $5.00 but please call first to check availability, as bookings are essential.
When: Every Tuesday, 10am to 3pm
Pottery Self-help Group
Come down to The Barn at the Pinjarra Arts Hub and join a group of people interested in bettering their pottery skills. You are welcome to come and try a class for $5.00 but please call first to check availability, as bookings are essential.
When: Every Wednesday, 12pm to 3pm
Print-making Self-help Group
Come down to Terry’s Room at the Pinjarra Arts Hub and join Jo, along with a group of people interested in creating art through print-making. You are welcome to come and try a class for $5.00 but please call first to check availability, as bookings are essential.
When: Every Friday, 10am to 3pm